1 Wireless for unconnected Internet Society (ISOC) The project is being implemented in 7 locations of three states-  Tamil Nadu, Haryana & Bihar. Creating & Training 10 Wireless Engineers in Internet network management,  wireless tech, content development and digital literacy
2 Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) UNICEF The training project in Phase I & II is about engaging communities with training, capacity building in fight against COOVID with appropriate communication, behaviour and preventive steps to stay safe and secured. This project in 12 States in India.
3 Digital empowerment of Marginalized Communities US-India Policy Institute 10 Digital Resource Centres set up in remote areas of India
15,891 individuals reached through the programme
5392 individuals digitally literate through digital centres
Digital services provided to 54,570 individuals
4 Assistant User Community Pilot Google India The project is being implemented in 30 districts of 11 states
Training of 20,000 people in using Voice Assistant application
5 Smartpur 2.0 Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt. Ltd. The project is being implemented in 102 villages in 10 districts  across 7 states
Empowered 200,000 households and 812,520+ people
6 Samarth Soochnapreneur Equally Able Foundation The project is being implemented in 8 states
100 Samarth Soochnapreneurs identified and are equipped with digital assets
124,000 people empowered & 4000 citizens benefitted with governmententitlements
Total Revenue generated by SSPs is INR 0.6 million
7 Goal Samarth Equally Able Foundation The project is being implemented in 7 states
50 Differently Abled youth enrolled as mentors
10 experts enrolled as mentees
8 C-DERP The project is being implemented in 89 underserved districts located in 20
states of India.
Provided relief to 2.3 million+ people
Food kits distributed to 122,375 people
Identified and reached to150,000 migrant workers
9 Digital Sarthak USAID The project is being implemented in 10 districts of 7states
Capacity building of the 100 Digital Sarthak from 10 districts to reach  out and engaged with Women Entrepreneurs and Women led Community Development Organizations
Digital up-skilling of the 10000 Women Entrepreneurs and 500 Women  led Community Development Organizations
10 Digital Literacy Programme for Girls & Women United Way Delhi The project is being implemented in slums of New Delhi
Providing Digital Literacy to 2000 girls and women
11 Digital Literacy Programme for Women Enterpreneurs Charity Aid Foundation The project is being implemented in 2 states
Set up of 10 Women led centres in 5 districts of Bihar and 5 districts of Jharkhand
Providing digital Literacy, digital services and citizen services to 5500 youth and women from disadvantaged and tribal communities
12 Functional Literacy Project (FLiP)- Phase 2 India@75foundation The project is being implemented in 7 locations
Set up of 7 functional literacy centres Conducted community mobilization activities with 2000 people across 7 locations
Enrolled 1754 participants (especially workers in unorganized sector) for the  D24basic, digital and financial literacy classes
13 Developing Rural Ecosystem Against Misinformation (DREAM) Association for Progressive Communication Capacity of rural communities to combat fake news, misinformation and
disinformation through community driven fact-checking WhatsApp chatbot
Developing MIL and Fact- checking toolkit
14 Skill training Programme for Mat Weaver Crafts Council of India The programme targeted 40 women from the village of Pattamadai,  Tamil Nadu
The objective of the programme is to improve the livelihood generation ability of the  community through education on digital and financial literacy
15 Management and impletation of Economic inclusion technology Hub through Virtual Livelihoods Resource Center (VLRC) Leonard Cheshire Reach 50,000 population with digital service offering in India with enhanced  services of VLRC with constant content aggregation, connecting to 200 external resources for employment opportunities and 500 service providers  for their service offerings.
Manage the services of VLRC with accessible communication systems for
Persons with disabilities, design and implement marketing for large scale  visibility
16 Shapping the Narrative of the Impact The Fund for Global Human Rights Conducting 3 survey-based research, 5 analytical and policy research, and
15 spot/localized research